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Nicole Lutze

How Radhika Mayani’s Left-handesign is making stationery plantable, one country at a time

Nicole Lutze
Environment, Retail, Sustainability
5 minute Read

In 2017, Radhika Mayani launched Singapore’s first-ever plantable stationery range – pens, pencils and paper products that grow into herbs when planted.

Despite a slow initial uptake, Mayani’s brand, Left-handesign, now turns over six figures annually and is expanding into Australia’s growing eco-ethical market.

In a recent interview with SmartCompany Plus, Mayani shared her slow and steady journey into the world of sustainable small business and how securing the right customers can unlock a world of possibilities.

Wasteful inspiration

Before starting Left-handesign, Mayani spent 15 years working as a graphic designer in advertising agencies in Mumbai and Dubai. When she later moved to Singapore, she began working as an in-house designer with a large luxury hotel chain. Here, she was exposed to the vast amount of wastage within the hospitality industry. 

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